
element(*)*=xfi:fact-segment-remainder( $item as schema-element(xbrli:item))

Last updated on 05-02-2008 at 00:00:00.

Return the content of a segment that is not reporting a XBRL Dimensions Specification based dimension value.

OIM Status



Name Type Details
item schema-element(xbrli:item)


Type: element(*)*

Returns the sequence of elements in the segment for the specified item that do not report values for XBRL dimensions.

The sequence of elements has the same order as the document order of the elements in the item's segment.

The elements and their descendant nodes have the appropriate type based on the Post Schema Validation Infoset.

If the item does not report a segment then the function returns the empty sequence.

Conformance suite

90304 xfi.fact-segment-remainder testcase.xml [ download ]


Name Affiliation Email Start End
Geoff Shuetrim Galexy geoff@galexy.net 05-02-2008 at 00:00:00


Name On Details
Geoff Shuetrim 05-02-2008 at 14:16:00 Created the function definition.
05-12-2008 at 00:00:00 Added data type sentence.